Saturday, July 25, 2015

Day Ten:

We talked to Pula Twa'le Swan whom is apart of the Willpinit tribe and is the main host of a radio talk show called Inner Tribal Beat. They have a talk show because the cellphone service doesn't work very well so they update each other that way, Paula is also the air quality manager, she monitors indoor air quality by providing free in-home test  of mold assessments for asthma she started in 2011. She explained to us how crucial the trains full of coal are to the rivers because when the trains pass by they leave residue and that residue falls on the river which its dangerous to the fish, plants and the people. She talked about the Outreach and Education program which is a day the communit comes together to educate themselves on what is happening in their community. I really enjoyed talking to her.

After that we met Paul Juran whom brought all 16 of us weightier's which are overalls for water. After everyone was done putting on their weighter's we went down to the lake and started fish shocking. it was super scary because I thought we were going to kill the fish but it turns out they only knock out a couple of seconds then they wake. it eased me up a little bit but then I realized that I was on the water while the shocker was in the water, I thought I was going to get shocked but I didn't, I lived to see another day. When we started to actually shock the fish we were catching them with nets and putting them in buckets so that she would be able to identify them. We caught about 25 fish which was really cool and it was a really hot day so the water was nice.

When everyone was finished putting their weighters away we headed to Two Rivers, when we got there some swam others relaxed under the shade. We only had 40 minutes to swim because we had to draw afterwards so I took advantage of the minutes we had in the water. when Jessica called us back to draw I was swimming back when out of a sudden Mat pikes me up and throws me in the water, I swallowed water from both my mouth and nose it was horrible. When I finally got to grounds immediately ran to the van because I didn't want Mat picking me up and throwing me in the water again. In the van I grabbed my drawing pad and pencils and started drawing the trees that were in sight. I found out that drawing is a way to let your emotions flow in a paper and its also very relaxing.

We arrived at camp and Warren comes and asks us to join him in a ceremonial gathering we said yes and he comes to me and asks if I would be able to start the prayer, I was feeling nervous because in my house I never pray so I don't really know how too. when we arrived to the short house everyone joined hands and I began the prayer, I thanked Warren for having us there and Chrissy for teaching me how to speak Sahampton after I was done we all sat down and started acknowledging the better moments in our life and the negatives, when were done Warren washed us with smoke because that will release us from all the negativity in out life's. It was such a beautiful moment I really felt the love and I am going to carry that memory for the rest of my life.

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